Which are examples of science rather than pseudoscience? Check all that apply
Pseudoscience Related to Space and Astronomy
Of all the sciences, it seems astronomy findings should be rather definitive. It's a complex study where, despite the magnitude of studies, we probably haven't even scratched the surface. Let's take a look at pseudosciences that claim to have a basis in astronomy:
2012 Doomsday Scare - Expected that 2012 would bring large-scale disasters or even the end of the world
Ancient Aliens - Proposes that aliens have visited Earth in the past and influenced our civilization
Apollo Moon Landing Hoax - Contends the original moon landing was faked
Astrology - Believes that humans are affected by the position of celestial bodies
Crop Circles - Believes patterns that mysteriously appear on farmland are made by aliens
Face on Mars - Posits that a rock formation on Mars resembles a face and is evidence of life there
Pseudoscience Related to the Earth
If outer space can be plagued with pseudoscientific beliefs, so can Earth. Is it round? Is it flat? Are we the only inhabitants? Have aliens made countless visits without our knowledge? Here are a few related theories:
Bermuda Triangle - An area where unexplained events, like disappearances of ships and airplanes, have occurred
Cryptozoology - The search for Bigfoot (Yeti), the Loch Ness monster, El Chupacabra, and other creatures that biologists believe do not exist
Flat Earth Theory - A claim that, since Earth looks and feels flat, it must be flat and disc-shaped
Hollow Earth Theory - A belief that the Earth is hollow, at least somewhat, and it is expanding
Megalithic or 366 Geometry - Thanks to the Babylonians, most of us believe there are 360 degrees in a circle. However, certain areas, particularly megalithic Britain, believed a circle had 366 degrees and some still believe this to be true today.
Mythical Creatures - The belief that fairies, elves, pixies, gnomes and other beings exist