which are the major physiographic division of India?Explain.
1. The Himalayan mountains
2. The Northern plains
3. The Peninsular plateau
4. The Indian desert
5. The Coastal plains
6. The Island
himalayan mountains
northern plains
peninsular plateau
indian desert
coastal plains
himalayan mountains
it is a mountain range that seperates the indian subcontinent and the tibetan plateau . this mountain range consist of the highest peak in the world (mt. everest)
northern plains
they are situated in the south of the himalayan range, and are formed by the silt deposited by the himalayan rivers and its tributaries
peninsular plataeu
it is roughly triangular in shape and cosist of old igneous and metamorphic rocks being a part of the tectonic plate known as gondawana land
indian desert
it si the only huge mass of sand in india containg a large amount of dolar energy, and is also know as the thar desert
coastal plains
they are divided into two, eastern and western coastal plains. it ia a wide strech of landmass
they carry out economical activities for the country, mainly fishing activities.