which are the mazor factors that interrupt the normal cycle of erosion?
Meaning of Interruptions in the Cycle of Erosion:
Davisian cyclic concept envisages gradual sequential changes in uplifted landmass through the stages of youth, mature and old culminating into the development of low featureless plain called as peneplain. The completion of such generalized and ideal form of cycle of erosion depends on tectonic stability of longer period of time, which is seldom possible in the nature as the earth is unstable.
Thus, the cycle of erosion is liable to frequent interruptions which cause inequilibrium condition in the cyclic model. Any sort of obstacle in the normal functioning of cycle of erosion is called interruption of cycle. The basic causes of interruption may be climatic or tectonic or both. Tectonic factors are related to positive and negative movement of base levels of erosion.