which are the principal organs of UNO
The six principal organs of the uno are the General assembly, the Security council, the economic and social council, the international court of justice, the trusteeship council and the secretariat
The chief Organs of the UNO are :
★ The General Assembly
★ The Security Council
★ Economic and Social Council
★ Trusteeship Council
★ International Court of Justice (ICJ)
★ The Secretariat
♣ General Assembly is the biggest organ of the UNO. The general assembly is formed by all the member states of the UNO which each member states sends five representatives. Since the size of the general assembly is gigantic, therefore it performs its various activities for some committees.
♣ The security council is the most important organ of the UNO. The temporary members of the security council are elected by the General Assembly. The permanent member states of the security council are the USA, Great Britain, France Russia and China . Each of the five permanent members has the right to exercise veto power. As a result, no decision can be taken on any matter if only one permanent member of the security council differs and uses its veto power.
♣ At the time of inception, the UNO the total member of the economic and social Council was 18. This Council was formed in accordance with the article 55 of the UN charter to perform its duties in relation to all the international economic, social, cultural, educational, health and other related problems. This Council submits its report with necessary suggestions on the aforesaid subject to the general assembly of the proper study.
♣ The article 76 of the UN charter refers to the formation of the Trusteeship Council. The Trusteeship Council was formed to make the people of the countries under its the jurisdiction progress in economic, political, social and educational fields.
♣ The ICJ is the judicial organ of the UNO. This is an important organ of the UNO formed 15 judges. All the member states of the UNO are its members. The main function of the ICJ is to settle the cases filed by the affected member states of the UNO the disputed states are bound to accept the verdict passed by the ICJ.
♣ The secretariat is like the heart of the UNO. This is formed by its Secretary General and other staff. The Secretariat executes and implements all the decisions taken by the UNO. The first secretary general of the UNO was Tryvehaldan Lee of Norway. The present Secretary General is Antonio Guterres of Portugal.