Which are used for weather forecast transmitting television and radio signal?
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Radio Waves
Radio waves are the lowest-energy, lowest-frequency and longest-wavelength electromagnetic waves. They are produced when an alternating current flows in an aerial and they spread out and travel through the atmosphere. They are not strongly absorbed by the atmosphere. Another aerial is used as a detector and the waves produce an alternating current in it, with a frequency that matches that of the radio waves. Anyone with a receiver can tune it to this frequency to pick up the radio waves so they are suitable for broadcasting (for example, radio and TV programmes) to large numbers of people. An advantage is that this method of communicating does not require wires to transmit information. A disadvantage is that radio stations using similar transmission frequencies sometimes interfere.
A common mistake is to think that we can hear radio waves. We cannot hear any electromagnetic radiation. The radiation is used to carry a signal that is converted into a sound wave by the receiver.
Medium wavelength radio waves are reflected from the ionosphere, a layer of charged particles in the upper atmosphere, so they can be used for long distance communication.
Digital radio has better-quality reception as it uses digital signals and so does not have problems of noise and interference
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