Which articles of universal Declaration of human right cover the right of children
Article 1, Right to equality:
You are born free and equal in rights to every other human being. You have the ability to think and to tell right
from wrong. You should treat others with friendship.
Article 2, Freedom from discrimination:
You have all these human rights no matter what your
race, skin colour, sex, language, religion, opinions, family background, social or economic status, birth or nationality.
Article 3, Right to life, liberty and personal security:
You have the right to live, to be free and to feel safe.
Article 4, Freedom from slavery:
Nobody has the right to treat you as a slave, and you
should not make anyone your slave.
Article 5, Freedom from torture and degrading
Nobody has the right to torture, harm or humiliate
Article 6, Right to recognition as a person before the
You have a right to be accepted everywhere as a person
according to law.
Article 7, Right to equality before the law:
You have a right to be protected and treated equally by
the law without discrimination of any kind.
Article 8, Right to remedy by capable judges:
If your legal rights are violated, you have the right to fair
and capable judges to uphold your rights.
Article 9, Freedom from arbitrary arrest and exile:
Nobody has the right to arrest you, put you in prison or
to force you out of your country without good reasons.
Article 10, Right to fair public hearing:
If you are accused of a crime, you have the right to a fair
and public hearing.
Article 11, Right to be considered innocent until proven
1) You should be considered innocent until it can be
proved in a fair trial that you are guilty.
2) You cannot be punished for doing something that
was not considered a crime at the time you did it.
Article 12, Freedom from interference with privacy,
family, home and correspondence:
You have the right to be protected if someone tries to
harm your good name or enter your house, open your
mail or bother you or your family without good reason.
Article 13, Right to free movement:
1) You have the right to come and go as you wish
within your country.
2) You have the right to leave your country to go to
another one, and you should be able to return to
your country if you want.
Article 14, Right to protection in another country:
1) If someone threatens to hurt you, you have the
right to go to another country and ask for protection as a refugee.
2) You lose this right if you have committed a serious
Article 15, Right to a nationality and the freedom to
change it:
1) You have the right to belong to a country and have
a nationality.
2) No-one can take away your nationality without a
good reason. You have a right to change your nationality if you wish.
Article 16, Right to marriage and family:
1) When you are legally old enough, you have the
right to marry and have a family without any limitations based on your race, country or religion.
Both partners have the same rights when they are
married and also when they are separated.
Article 12.