English, asked by 550002, 1 year ago

Which best describes how the diction supports the tone of this passage ?
Grapes of wrath


Answered by vijayhalder031


The Joad family is forced to flee Oklahoma and move to the West in search of the American Dream. This is the main plot of The Grapes of Wrath. It takes place during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, which destroyed crops and forced farmers into bankruptcy (which saw lots of job and economic loss). As a result, one may anticipate that the novel's tone and atmosphere would be dark and even depressing, but the author as well as the book's readership express other feelings. Let's examine each category covered in this lesson.


The tone of the book is :

Anger: Steinbeck's writing makes one thing quite clear: he is angry. He was enraged by the situation, the way the workers were treated, the conditions in the migrant camps, and the institutions (such the banks) that he believed further oppressed people during the time period depicted.

2. Sadness: Steinbeck paints a depressing picture of the status of the Joads' situation very early in the book by describing a gloomy outlook for the Oklahoma topography, characterizing the country as being "grey," the earth as being "scarred," and the "last rain." Nothing about the sun, birds, or the outdoors is mentioned in Steinbeck's speech.

3. Desperation: Desperation may be seen throughout the book, but it stands out in particular in Steinbeck's use of choppy phrases and even sentence fragments that seem to depict folks on the verge of either eating or not eating, or taking care of their family or allowing them to suffer.

Hence, how the author feels when writing a book is commonly used to characterize the tone of the book. Lighthearted, flowery language may imply that the author is particularly pleased or enthusiastic with the story's plot, yet furious, stinging language conveys something entirely different.


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