History, asked by Sonalistar6528, 11 months ago

Which best describes men in the USSR under Joseph Stalinâs regime?


Answered by Anonymous
Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili was born on December 21, 1879, on the 
southern slopes of the Caucasus mountains, in the town of Gori. His mother, 
Ekaterina was the daughter of a peasant who married at fifteen and who lost her 
first three children at birth. Vissarion, his father, was a self-employed 
shoemaker who had a violent temper (Marrin 6-7). 

     Young Djugashvili was small and wiry and had a deeply pitted face from a 
small pox attack that nearly killed him. He also had blood poisoning in his left 
arm that was probably caused by Vissarion's beating fists. The arm would stiffen 
at the elbow joint and wither, making it lame and useless for the rest of his
life (Lewis 8; Marrin 8). 

     He was dedicated to only one person, his mother, and her only ambition 
was for her son to become a priest and to bless her with his own hands. But, 
this dream was crushed when Joseph was expelled from Tiflis Theological Seminary 
for reading "forbidden books" such as Marx and Lenin (Lewis 8; Marrin 20). 

     After his expulsion from Tiflis school, Joseph became a revolutionary. 
He organized strikes and demonstrations at factories and also found ways to 
gather money for Lenin and the Bolshevik party. He was banished to Siberia six 
times between the years 1903 and 1917. Each time, he escaped easily, except the 
last, when he was released because of the February revolution (Lewis 19; Marrin 
24). After the death of his first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, Joseph became more 
cold and tough. He gave the child that his wife bore him to her parents and even 
chose a new name for himself, Stalin, the Man of Steel (Marrin 26). 

     Then came the October Revolution and the rise of Lenin and the 
Bolsheviks. Stalin became general secretary of the Bolshevik party's Central 
Committee. He was also the commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate 
and the commissar of nationalities (McKay 927; Treadgold 205). After Lenin's, 
death Stalin gained power by allying himself with the moderates to fight off his 
rival, Leon Trotsky, who was a radical and another member of the Central 

Answered by melaninavarro688


the answer is D, they were in demand of industrial jobs


i took the quiz/unit test and got that one right

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