Which best describes the purpose of the International Space Station?
The main purpose of the International Space Station is to provide an international laboratory for experiments within the space environment. Which, despite all our technological advances, is nearly impossible to replicate here on Earth. Because for many of those experiments, the key parameter is—you guessed it—weightlessness.
While we do have a vacuum chamber tower facility at Goddard (in which very brief weightlessness experiments can be conducted for the few seconds it takes to get from the top of the tower to the bottom) and an aircraft that can simulate weightlessness for about 25 seconds, I'm not aware of any labs that can simulate weightlessness for prolonged periods of time. By prolonged I mean on the order of a month or more.
The best purpose of the International Space Station is to conduct research.
The ISS is an orbiting laboratory where NASA learns about exploration as astronauts live and work in space.
The main purpose of the International Space Station is to provide an international laboratory for experiments within the space environment.
Note -
The main purpose of the ISS is fourfold:
- conducting scientific research,
- furthering space exploration,
- facilitating education and outreach, and
- fostering international cooperation.