Biology, asked by krithikaks9196, 11 months ago

Which characteristic of life distinguishes a fire and a flowering plant?


Answered by writersparadise

Oxygen is the common characteristic which helps fire to burn and a flowering plant to live on earth.

When oxygen combines with a suitable chemical, it releases energy in the form of heat. When enough heat is released, it results in a flame, most commonly known as burning.

Plants use carbon dioxide from air and water from the ground. They use sunlight to synthesise these ingredients into carbohydrates and oxygen. Extra oxygen thus produced is released into the atmosphere.

Answered by gratefuljarette

The use of energy is a life characteristic that distinguishes fire from a flowering plant.


When fire is put on, it makes use of oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and other gases. Burning of fire makes use of heat energy.

Oxygen helps flowering plants to survive. The flowering plants make use of sunlight, water and oxygen to prepare food through the process of photosynthesis. This process gives the flowering plants the energy to grow and survive. During the process of photosynthesis, the plants release oxygen into the atmosphere.

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