Social Sciences, asked by umapallela, 7 months ago

which cities were called presidential cities in the 19th century India? mention any two main features of these cities.


Answered by THK5969
There are three presidencies in India in 19th century. They are:
1.Calcutta Presidency.
2.Madras Presidency.
3.Bombay Presidency.

Madras Presidency is mainly comprising all South India.
Later every state was divided on linguistic bases through STATE REORGANIZATION ACT,1956 by STATE REORGANIZATION COMMISSION,1953 headed by K.M Panikkar.
Answered by vishwasr

There are three precidency and they are namely

Madras presidency

Bombay presidency

Calcutta presidency

Bombay:- In first bombay was the major outlet for cotton textiles from gujarat. In the nineteenth century the city functioned as a port with large quantities of raw material

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