which city-state had more in common with life in our modern urban socites
Hello mate✔✔✔
Athens or Greece has more in common with life in our modern urban socites.
Hope it helps✔✔✔
Athens has been a perennial urban center from its birth in antiquity until the present dawn of the 21 st century. As the premiere city-state, Athens, Greece provides an excellent example of the societal benefits that arise from progressive urban leadership exhibited by its citizens of the ancient period, as well as what can go wrong with excessive population and environmental degradation in a modern era of the late 1 990s.
A city-state is a geographic area that has one major central city containing a concentration urban residents. Each city-state does have a suburban and/or rural fringe, whose population are tied to the central city.
The concentration of urban citizens in a central city are made possible from a commercial agricultural sector that creates sufficient storable food that can be consumed by the urban non-food producing residents. Thus, a city emerges, not simply in conjunction with, but as a direct result of advances in agriculture. Where there is no agriculture, we find only a very thin concentration of population (Bairoch, 1991, p. 1).
Urbanization cannot take place without a concentration of population.