Which class can be used Instead of System.getCurrentTimeMillis() to get a date and time in Java 8
Answered by
we can simply use Date class and object.
import java.util.Date;
public class Date{
public static void main (String...args){
Date ob=new Date();
System. out. println(ob);
import java.util.Date;
public class Date{
public static void main (String...args){
Date ob=new Date();
System. out. println(ob);
Answered by
java. text. DateFormat class
- The java. text. DateFormat class can be used to get the required date and time at the time of coding in java.
- It is a class and used to parse the date in the required format in the java code.
- This is an abstract method to get the date and time in the code.
- It works in the in depended mode.
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