which cloth has world's thin cloth ?
The World’s Thinnest Fabric
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Fairy Feather silk is thin to the point of transparency, as seen in this scarf.
The supple Fairy Feather silk developed in Fukushima Prefecture’s town of Kawamata, one of Japan’s most renowned silk production centers, is the thinnest in the world, and so light that it feels like a concentrated layer of air—perhaps even as thin as the legendary hagoromo, or feather mantle, from Japanese folk tales. Fairy Feather is made from 8-denier silk microfibers that are only one-sixth as thick as a human hair (about 50 deniers). This organdie (an ultrathin, plain-woven, sheer fabric), woven on a loom from thousands of silk microfiber warp threads, is so light that it feels nearly weightless to the hand. The softness of such a thin cloth envelops the skin gently and surely.
Kawamata’s Fairy Feather is said to be the thinnest silk in the world. The technology enabling industrial production of this fabric has won high praise, including the Prime Minister’s Prize, the highest honor at the 2012 Monozukuri Nippon Grand Awards. Although silk production is one industry that has been moving overseas, Fairy Feather continues to attract attention as a globally competitive product.
Birthplace of the “Yokohama Scarf”
The cover page of an English-language woodcut print calendar produced in 1911 by the Kawamata Silk Refining Co., Ltd. This calendar was a bonus gift accompanying silks exported to Europe or America.
The town of Kawamata has been known for producing thin silk since ancient times. According to legend, Otehime, the empress-consort of Emperor Sushun (r. 587–92), fled to Kawamata after the emperor was assassinated in 592. There she propagated the arts of sericulture, or silkworm cultivation, and weaving. A text from the mid-seventeenth century says that Kawamata was already widely known as a silk town, and the region began exporting the product internationally in the 1880s.
the European apparel market. The first step was participation in a trade fair held in Milan by JETRO, the Japan External Trade Organization. The positive response—and the fact that this was a product that needed to enter the European market in earnest—led the company to apply for JETRO’s Customized Export Project Support Program, for which it were selected. After displaying its wares at February 2012 trade fairs held in Paris and Milan, Saiei Orimono received sample orders from several famous international brands. Following that, local papers reported that the company’s fabric had been chosen by Giorgio Armani.
The World's Thinnest Fabric
Fairy Feather is made from 8-denier silk microfibers that are only one-sixth as thick as a human hair (about 50 deniers).