Biology, asked by nitishshrivastava14, 1 year ago

which come first - hen or egg?


Answered by rajjha28
according to you tube first come egg. because explain it by a process he said that a combination of materials forms a type of substance that we know modern times egg.

shailu83: no meaning
shailu83: what's that
rajesh3594: ya
rajesh3594: no meaning
kvmprasannakumar: according to the bhagavad geetha and bible god said that i creayed first the fish next the goat next the hen and other animals
rajjha28: it is modern and science said that egg come first
kvmprasannakumar: for yourscience the first step is vedas
kvmprasannakumar: rig veda said that water can produce electricity andmany other experiments
kvmprasannakumar: which science had saw that and conducted and said it as science
kvmprasannakumar: if you onceread the vedas you will get a good understanding
Answered by Sidyandex

The hen lays egg, and egg becomes, and then it lays eggs too.

So, this is a never-ending question, and in reality, it is a vicious circle of life and birth. But recently, scientists came to a conclusion.

According to them, the egg came first.

Before the first hen, there were hens which were not actually like chickens.

Their DNA changed over time and finally they laid eggs that developed into hens.

So, the answer is, the eggs came first that later became hens, and they laid more eggs.

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