Which command is used to modify data in the table?
Alter command.
The alter command is used when we want to modify a database or any object contained in the database. The drop command is used to delete databases from MySQL server or objects within a database. The rename command is used to change the name of a table to a new table name.
UPDATE COMMAND is used when you want to modify rows or add rows to the table.
ALTER COMMAND can be used when you want to modify, delete or add columns to a table, It can also be used to drop different constraints from an existing table.
UPDATE is generally used when you modify rows in the table.
Existing records or data can be modified by the SQL UPDATE query.
• UPDATE as well as ALTER, both the commands are used for modification purposes in the existing table.
• CREATE command is used for creating a new table.
• You can do many things with ALTER TABLE command like add column, drop column, change the data type, add a NOT NULL constraint and add a unique constraint.