Which crop is known as golden fibre ? Write the geographical conditions for producing jute
Jute is extracted from the bark of the white jute plant (Corchorus capsularis) and to a lesser extent from tossa jute (C. olitorius). It is a natural fibre with golden and silky shine and hence called the Golden Fibre. Jute is an annual crop taking about 120 days (April/May-July/August) to grow.
Temperature: 25°C is ideal for jute cultivation.
Rainfall: 150 cm to 200 cm rainfall is essential for jute cultivation. ...
Soil: New alluvial or loamy soil or river basin is ideal for jute cultivation.
jute is a natural fibre with golden and silky shine and hence called the Golden Fibre.
Temperatures ranging from 25-30 °C and relative humidity of 70%–90% are favorable for successful cultivation. River basins or alluvial or loamy soils are best for jute cultivation.Jute cultivation in red soils may require high dose of manure and PH range between 4.8-5.8 is best for its cultivation.