Which data can be use to determine the pedological characteristics of lateritic soils?
The location and distribution of laterite materials has been associated with
temperature and rainfall conditions that characterize the earths' surface between
latitudes 35°N and 35°S (Persons, 1970). In addition to those places where they
have been found, they may also be expected at locations where, though they have
not yet been discovered, there are environmental conditions suitable for their
formation. In preparing a world map of laterite soils it has been necessary to
include all areas within the environmental limits of reddish tropically weathered
residual and transported materials including inferred areas. The world distribution
map (see Fig. 1) therefore shows areas of known laterite-soil occurrence and areas
where the laterization process can be expected to take place. Established proce-
dures for locating natural soils have been found applicable to laterite soils (Vallerga
et al., 1969; Persons, 1970; USAID, 1971). To cut down costs and at the same time
accelerate the data collection of laterite soils considerable use has been made of
aerial photography and sounding techniques of soil-survey procedures (e.g. Liang,
1964; Dowling, 1966; Remillon, 1967; Holden, 1967a,b). Considerable use has also
been made of agricultural soil-survey maps, pedological reports and certain types of
geologic maps for laterite-soil engineering purposes (Clare and Beaven, 1962, 1965).
Methods of interpreting this information have enhanced the value of these maps for
use in many parts of the tropics. Geophysical methods for locating materials in the
field may also be used. The development of airphoto interpretation techniques for
bounding areas of soils of similar engineering characteristics and for making engi-
neering soil maps has led to the rather wide use of this tool in the location of
laterite soils (e.g. Schoefield, 1957a,b; Liang, 1964; Moutain, 1967; Persons, 1970).