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Good Vibrations
Snakes do not hear sounds like we do, but they are able to pick up and interpret vibrations in a similar way that we pick up and interpret sound waves. Snakes lack an outer ear but have all the workings of an inner ear, including a cochlea. Movement from potential prey animals cause vibrations on the ground that are transmitted through the snake's jawbone. Vibrations allow snakes to "hear" movement and identify the prey's location.
Heat Vision
Though it may seem more like a superpower than a sense, some snakes known as pit vipers can detect prey based on thermal signatures. These snakes have specialized heat pits on their head that are sensitive to changes in heat in their environments. The pits allow them to hone in on an animal's body heat, even in complete darkness. Other snakes, such as boas and pythons, have small multiple pits located under the scales of their lips that are sensitive to changes in temperature as well.