Social Sciences, asked by nayantambada1, 7 months ago

which five provisions of the Indian constitution make India a full-fledged federation? explain.​


Answered by parveshkumar270762


The federal provisions are:

a. We have a federal system where there are two or more levels of government where power is divided between the centre and the state by the written constitution.

b. The powers are divided between the centre and the state, there is a union list on which centre can legislate, there is a state list on which state can make laws and then concurrent list where both the centre and the states can make laws.Union list contains subjects of national importance on which the centre can legislate. the list , contains more subjects and important subjects like defence, foreign affairs, railways. There are 97 subjects in the Union list.State list includes 66 subjects like police, trade, irrigation on which state can legislate.Concurrent list includes subjects like education, forest, marriage on which both centre and state can legislate and in case of any conflict it is the center's law that prevails.

Apart from the above subjects there is a residuary powers which includes subjects not mentioned in either of the lists like cyber security . These powers are vested with the Union government.

c. We have a rigid constitution, where some provisions of the constitution requires ratification of half of the state legislatures to be amended.

d. We have a Bicameral legislature that is the Union Parliament consists of two house one representing the country and the other representing the interests of constituent states.

e. Independent Judiciary to decide the cases between the centre and the states , between states and has the power to interpret the constitution.


Hope it helps you!!

Answered by rajpiyush48417




Which five provisions of the Indian Constitution make India a MB fledged federation? Explain.


Study later


The Constitution of India establishes a federal system of government. It contains all the features of the Federation.

1) Three levels of Government - The Central Government, State Governments and Urban and rural local self Governments.

2) The Power is divided between the three-tier system of Government. Schedule VII of the Constitution provides for three list Union list (on which Parliament makes laws), State List(on which state legislatures make laws) and Concurrent List(on which both the parliament and state legislatures can make laws). The State legislature Provide the Panchayats and Municipalities with such powers and authorities as may be necessary to enable them to function as self-government.

3)Though the Constitution is amenable to change some fundamental provisions of the constitution cannot be amended by either level of Government single-handedly. It requires Special Majority of the Parliament and ratification by half of the total states.

4) The Judiciary is Independent and all the disputes between states and union or interstates disputes are dealt with by the Supreme Court.

5) The central and the state government generate revenue by levying the tax which is expressly mentioned by the Constitution. There are separate consolidated funds for Center and States.

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