Which has more calories: table sugar or aspartame? ...
What does synthesis gas (water gas) consist of? ...
Cranberry glass is made by adding ..? ...
What is exactly the pH value of distilled water? ...
Mickey is a "dangerous" alcoholic drink.
Give correct answer ❤️
Aspartame produces 4 kilocalories of energy per gram when metabolized, sucrose (table sugar) produces 3.9 kilocalories. However, aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose, so it is consumed in much smaller doses
The chemical composition of syngas varies based on the raw materials and the processes. Syngas produced by coal gasification generally is a mixture of 30 to 60% carbon monoxide, 25 to 30% hydrogen, 5 to 15% carbon dioxide, and 0 to 5% methane. It also contains lesser amount of other gases.
Cranberry glass or 'Gold Ruby' glass is a red glass made by adding gold salts or colloidal gold to molten glass. Tin, in the form of stannous chloride, is sometimes added in tiny amounts as a reducing agent. The glass is used primarily in expensive decorations.
Pure distilled water should be neutral with a pH of 7, but because it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it's actually slightly acidic with a pH of 5.8.
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