which helps to score better music or physical education in class 11-12
Dont choose anything on someone's advice, go with your heart.
If you really have trouble deciding what to take a personality or career test.
Now, if you are not satisfied with the test and have no idea what to do, think about what are the pro's and con's of going in the music field and the physical field.If you don't have something to start with, I will give you an example,
Can Make better performer and richer.Fame is guaranteed on sucess
Struggle is guaranteed for first 3 years.Going in field of Music in movies is difficult,starting with YouTube is required (i.e equipment (mic,seat,good environment,people for Collab etc))
You may now start yourself.
P. Ed is an interdisciplinary subject which incorporate elements of sports, psychology, nutrition, biology etc. ... Therefore, I suggest you take Physical Education, due to its advantage as an interdisciplinary subject. It is more scoring than Music (if you are interested in boosting your percentage).
Hope it helps you dear friend.