English, asked by dbshah4276, 1 month ago

Which information did you learn from the source in ‘UFOs in India:Planes or planet’?​


Answered by pabiaairajade


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Home / Lifestyle / The truth is out there: Tales from India’s UFO investigators


The truth is out there: Tales from India’s UFO investigators

Lights in the sky, levitating beings, hard science vs conjecture: Meet the guys trying to sift the crazies from the true witnesses in their search for unidentified flying objects.

By Roshni Nair | Hindustan Times

UPDATED ON MAY 11, 2017 01:38 PM IST

(HT Illustration: Sri Krishna Patkar)

I. Midnight Special

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world slept, Sunita Yadav awoke to a levitating alien.

She watched, petrified, as it hovered a foot above the ground just behind her home. Standing over 4ft tall, with grey skin and big, black eyes, it proceeded from the Yadavs’ backyard toward their front door before – as her son Hitesh remembers – it “just vanished”.

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