Biology, asked by 9753tanishqa, 9 days ago

which insect carries malaria causing protozoan​


Answered by chetanmahesh00


female Anopheles mosquito carrier.

Answered by ankitpatle0
  • Female Anopheles mosquitoes, sometimes known as "night-biting" mosquitoes because they bite most frequently between dusk and dawn, disseminate the plasmodium parasite.
  • If a mosquito bites someone who has previously been afflicted with malaria, the mosquito can get sick and transfer the parasite to others.
  • Malaria, on the other hand, cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
  • The parasite enters the circulation and goes to the liver after being bitten.
  • The infection starts in the liver and spreads to the circulation, where it infects red blood cells.
  • The parasites replicate and develop in red blood cells.
  • The infected blood cells burst at regular intervals, releasing additional parasites into the circulation.
  • Every 48-72 hours, infected blood cells explode. You'll get a fever, chills, and sweating every time they rupture.
  • Malaria can also be transmitted through blood transfusions and needle sharing, but this is extremely rare.
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