Which is a cross between human language and a programming language?
Pretty much all programming languages are a cross between human language and computing languages. Ultimately, a computer only understands the binary machine language embedded in the hardware. Every programming language eventually converts code to machine language through interpretation, compilation, or a combination of the two. Human languages are simply too imprecise for giving instructions to a computer. The poetry and variability of human expression is quite challenging for computers to follow, so programming languages tend to be very limited subsets of human languages with small vocabularies (usually less that 100 key words) and very explicit syntax. Computer languages are categorized (among other ways) by where they fit on the scale between machine language and natural human speech. Some languages (like C) are extremely close to the computer, which leads to more efficient code but more difficult programming. Other languages (the 'higher level' languages like Python or Java) are closer to human communication, but a bit less concise, and produce generally less efficientt code. Ultimately, programming isn't about the languages at all, but about thinking an algorithms, which means understanding the basic logic and data structures which are common to all languages. Programmers often write programs in a scheme called 'pseudo-code', which uses the logic and data structures central to all languages, but doesn't worry about the exact syntax or vocabulary of any language. Pseudocode is an easy way to sort out the logic without having to worry about some of the details. For example, this is the pseudo-code for a program that asks the user's name and returns it in a greeting: new program create string variable username ask "What is your name?" store in username print "hi, !" You can then take this pseudo-code, and translate it to whatever programming language you want Here's C++: #include iostream using namespace std' main(){ String userName; cout << "What is your name?"; cin >> userName; cout << "Hi, " << userName << endl' }
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