which is better, to tell whole truth or white lie? Why do you think so? 1 minute speech
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Speak very confidently and don't express it as a speech express it as an interaction
Beacuse speeches are boring than interaction
Having said that, telling a little “white lie” every once in a while might actually be healthy when it comes to managing our interpersonal relationships. I clearly don't need to go into all of the reasons why telling the truth is important. if a lie can save someone sorrow by not showing them the darker side of life, and then why not opt for it? If you asked me for the definition of a lie, I would happily say, “It’s a noble act of protecting someone and keeping them in a contented state.” Infact an effective tool of instilling confidence and creating sunshine in someone’s life, atleast for the moment.We are not obligated to tell the whole truth if it hurts someone's feelings