which is not a means or medium of communication
The medium used to send a message may range from an individual's voice, writing, clothing, and body language to forms of mass communication such as newspapers, television, and the internet.
Communication Media Changes Over Time
Before the printing press, mass communication didn't exist, as books were handwritten and literacy wasn't widespread throughout all social classes. The invention of moveable type was a major communication innovation for the world.
Author Paula S. Tompkins sums up the history of communication and change thusly:
"When a communication medium changes, our practices and experiences of communication also change. The technology of writing liberated human communication from the medium of face-to-face (f2f) interaction. This change affected both the process and experience of communication, as persons no longer needed to be physically present to communicate with one another. The technology of the printing press further promoted the medium of writing by mechanizing the creation and distribution of the written word. This began the new communication form of mass communication in pamphlets, newspapers, and cheap books, in contrast to the medium of handwritten documents and books. Most recently, the medium of digital technology is again changing the process and experience of human communication.