which is the best edward or jacob .
in my opinion edward is the bestest .
and if you like jacob then u r a kiddo, u can never ever understand why the most people like jacob ,
in U.S.A. did you guys remember the votes between edward or jacob edward was won
he will won everytime jacob is nothing in front of edward no no sry sry "my" edward
plz ans what would you like :-
which is the best edward or jacob .
in my opinion edward is the bestest .
and if you like jacob then u r a kiddo, u can never ever understand why the most people like jacob ,
in U.S.A. did you guys remember the votes between edward or jacob edward was won
he will won everytime jacob is nothing in front of edward no no sry sry "my" edward
plz ans what would you like :-
which is the best edward or jacob .
in my opinion edward is the bestest .
and if you like jacob then u r a kiddo, u can never ever understand why the most people like jacob ,
in U.S.A. did you guys remember the votes between edward or jacob edward was won
he will won everytime jacob is nothing in front of edward no no sry sry "my" edward
plz ans what would you like :-