Math, asked by sunilwagh2315, 6 months ago

which is the following statement pattern is a tautology? 1) [(p->q)^~q]->(~p) 2)[pvq)^~p]^(~q) 2) [p^(p->~q)]->q 3) ~(p->~q)​


Answered by pk4797647

Step-by-step explanation:

Negation Introduction (~I – indirect proof IP)

Assume p

Get q & ~q

˫ ~p

Negation Elimination (~E – version of DN)

~~p → p

Conditional Introduction (→I – conditional proof CP)

Assume p

Get q

˫ p → q

Conditional Elimination (→E – modus ponens MP)

p → q


˫ q

Conjunction Introduction (&I – conjunction CONJ)



˫ p & q

Conjunction Elimination (&E – simplification SIMP)

p & q

˫ p

Disjunction Introduction (vI – addition ADD)


˫ p v q

Disjunction Elimination (vE – version of CD)

p v q

p → r

q → r

˫ r

Biconditional Introduction (↔I – version of ME)

p → q

q → p

˫ p ↔ q

Biconditional Elimination (↔E – version of ME)

p ↔ q

˫ p → q


˫ q → p


Modus Tollens (MT)

p → q


˫ ~P

Hypothetical Syllogism (HS)

p → q

q → r

˫ p → r

Disjunctive Syllogism (DS)

p v q


˫ q

Absorption (ABS)

p → q

˫ p → (p & q)

Constructive Dilemma (CD)

p v q

p → r

q → s

˫ r v s

Repeat (RE)


˫ p

Contradiction (CON)



˫ Any wff

Theorem Introduction (TI)

Introduce any tautology, e.g., ~(P & ~P)


De Morgan’s Law (DM)

~(p & q) :: (~p v ~q)

~(p v q) :: (~p & ~q)

Commutation (COM)

(p v q) :: (q v p)

(p & q) :: (q & p)

Association (ASSOC)

[p v (q v r)] :: [(p v q) v r]

[p & (q & r)] :: [(p & q) & r]

Distribution (DIST)

[p & (q v r)] :: [(p & q) v (p & r)]

[p v (q & r)] :: [(p v q) & (p v r)]

Double Negation (DN)

p :: ~~p

Transposition (TRANS)

(p → q) :: (~q→~p)

Material implication (MI)

(p → q) :: (~p v q)

Material Equivalence (ME)

(p ↔ q) :: [(p & q ) v (~p & ~q)]

(p ↔ q) :: [(p → q ) & (q → p)]

Exportation (EXP)

[(p & q) → r] :: [p → (q → r)]

Tautology (TAUT)

p :: (p & p)

p :: (p v p)

Conditional-Biconditional Refutation Tree Rules

~(p → q) :: (p & ~q)

~(p ↔ q) :: [(p & ~q) v (~p & q)]


Standard Forms of Categorical Statements:

d u

A: All S is P (all students are people)

d d

E: No S is P (no students are pelicans)

u u

I: Some S is P (some students are Polish)

u d

O: Some S is not P (some students are not pilots)

Figures of Syllogisms:

1st Fig. 2nd Fig. 3rd Fig. 4th Fig.

M - P P - M M - P P - M

S - M S - M M - S M - S

S - P S - P S - P S - P

Five Rules of Validity

1. One distributed middle term: middle term must

be distributed in at least one premise.

2. Distributed term-distributed term: term is

distributed in conclusion iff it is distributed in


3. One affirmative premise: must have at least one

affirmative premise.

4. Negative-negative: negative conclusion iff

negative premise.

5. Particular-particular: cannot conclude a

particular from two universals.


A: all S is P (all students are people)

∀x(Sx → Px)

E: no S is P (no student is a pelican)

∀x(Sx → ~Px)

I: some S is P (some students are pilots)

Ǝx(Sx & Px)

O: some S is not P (some students are not partiers)

Ǝx(Sx & ~Px)


Universal Elimination/Instantiation (∀E, UI). Two

forms, works with both variables and constants.

∀x(Fx) / ˫ Fy

∀x(Fx) / ˫ Fa

Universal Introduction/Generalization (∀I, UG). One

form, works only with variables, not constants

(e.g., Fa / ˫ ∀x(Fx)).

Fy / ˫ ∀x(Fx)

Existential Introduction/Generalization (ƎI, EG). Two

forms, works with both variables and constants.

Fa / ˫ Ǝx(Fx)

Fy / ˫ Ǝx(Fx)

Existential Elimination/Instantiation (ƎE, EI). One

form, works only with constants, not variables

(e.g., Ǝx(Fx) / ˫ Fy). Also, existential name “a”

must be a new name that has not occurred in any

previous line.

Ǝx(Fx) / ˫ Fa

Quantifier Equivalence Rules (Quantifier Exchange


∀x(Fx) :: ~Ǝx~(Fx)

~∀x(Fx) :: Ǝx~(Fx)

∀x~(Fx) :: ~Ǝx(Fx)

~∀x~(Fx) :: Ǝx(Fx)


Modal operators

□p = it is necessary that p

◊p = it is possible that p

Truth assignment of □p and ◊p in possible worlds

Necessity: □p is true in world w1 if and only if p

is true in every world accessible to w1

Possibility: ◊p is true in world w1 if and only if

p is true in some world accessible to w1

Accessibility relations between possible worlds

Serial relation: every world has access to at least

one world

{w1}———→ {w2}

Reflexive relation: every world can access itself


Symmetric relation: for all worlds, w1, w2, if w1

has access to w2, then w2 has access to


{w1} ←———→ {w2}

Transitive relation: For all worlds, w1, w2, w3,

if w1 has access to w2, and w2 has

access to w3, then w1 has access to w3

{w1} ———→ {w2} ———→ {w3}


Rules and Axioms

Necessitation Rule (NEC): if wff A is a proved

theorem (e.g., truth table tautology such

as “p v ~p”), then we may infer □A

Change Modal Operator Rule (CMO)

◊p :: ~□~p

□p :: ~◊~p

~□p :: ◊~p

□~p :: ~◊p

Major Axioms

AS1: ◊P ↔ ~□~P

AS2: □(P→Q) → (□P → □Q)

AS3: □P→ P

AS4: ◊P → □◊P

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