which is the independent body among all
The Indian Constitution not only provides for the legislative ,executive and judicial organs of the government (central and state)but also establishes certain independent bodies.They are envisaged by the constitution.These are :
1 Election Commission to ensure free and fair elections to the parliament,the state legislatures ,the office of President of India and the office of Vice-President of India.
2 Comptroller and Auditor-General of India to audit the accounts of the central and state governments.He acts as the guardian of public pursue and comments on the legality and propriety of the government expenditure.
3 Union Public Service Commision to conduct the examinations for recruitment to all India Services and Higher central services and to advise the president on disciplinary matters
State Public service commission in every state to conduct examinations for recruitment to state services and to advice the governor on disciplinary matters.
An independent body is a group employed to give a view without bias. Independent bodies are mainly employed to review public services. Some news groups claim to be independent bodies. In the United States, they are called an independent agency or an independent regulatory agency.