Which is the layer made up of small lumps of broken rocks and lacks humus
c-horizon is the layer which has small lumps of broken rocks and lacks in humus
A horizon: Top layer of soil is called A-horizon. It is also called top-soil. A-horizon is generally dark in colour. It is rich in humus. A horizon is generally soft and porous. It retains more water.
Roots of small plants are entirely embedded in topsoil. Topsoil also provides shelter to many living organism, such as worm, insect, moles, rats, snakes, etc.
B-horizon: The next layer of the soil from top is known as B-horizon. This layer is harder and more compact than the top soil. This is generally known as the middle layer of soil. This is less rich in humus but contains most of the minerals present in the soil.
C-horizon: The third layer of soil is known as C-horizon. C-horizon is made of small lumps of rocks with cracks and crevices.
Bedrock: The layer below the C-horizon is known as bedrock. Bedrock is composed of rocks and is hard to dig with spades.