Which kind of population interaction is found between organism showing pseudocopulation ?
Brood parasitism is a method whereby the organisms lay their eggs in the nest of the other birds. The other birds help in incubating the eggs and take care of the eggs. This kind of parasitism occurs in birds.
For example, the cuckoo bird lays its eggs in the nest of the crow. During the period of evolution, eggs of cuckoo bird have begun to resemble similar to the eggs of crow. This creates a misconception that the eggs are of the crow and it takes care of those eggs.
Sexual deceit is an example of mutualism in which the flower behaves like the female insect to attract the male insect for pollination. The orchid flowers are modified in such a way that one petal of the flower resembles the female insect. The male insects visit the flowers and perform pseudocopulation during which the pollens are dusted on their body. This results in pollination when the male insect visits another flower.