Which kind of study school of behaviourism focuses on studying?
Behaviorism (or behaviourism) is a systematic approach to understanding the behavior of humans and other animals. It assumes that all behaviors are either reflexes produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment, or a consequence of that individual's history, including especially reinforcement and punishment, together with the individual's current motivational state and controlling stimuli. Although behaviorists generally accept the important role of inheritance in determining behavior, they focus primarily on environmental factors.
Behaviorism is a learning theory that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior based on environmental conditions.
Behaviourism is a systematic approach of studying how and why human beings and animals behaviuours in different ways. It assumes that some behaviours may be due to punishment and reinforcement. It explains that when one is reinforced to behave in a way the reinforcer wants one will tend to adapt and behave in the same way even in the absence of the reinforcemnt.