Music, asked by kumarhitesh4326, 1 year ago

Which law was used to suppress Indigenous Religion in Zimbabwe.


Answered by nikunjtanwer11


human right

hope it may help you

please mark me brainiest

Answered by chiragbajaj1010


Zimbabwe adopted a new Constitution in 2013, which, among other things, recognises the role of traditional leadership institutions which operate alongside modern politics and judicial authority. The new Constitution draws the line for the traditional leaders with regards to the scope and extent of their duties. In a number of ways there exists a conflict between traditional forms of judicial authority and modern forms of judicial authority, and this contributes considerably to the significance of traditional leadership institutions and customary law towards the realisation of the right to access to justice. As such, this chapter is hinged on the role traditional leadership institutions and customary law play with regards to access of justice in Zimbabwe. Structurally, the paper is divided into four parts. The first part dwells on the contextual background, whilst the second part focuses on the right to access to justice. The third part interrogates the recognition of traditional leadership and customary law within the Zimbabwean Constitution. Finally, the fourth part discusses recommendations suggested by chiefs for the improvement of access to justice.


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