Which law were made to improve the status of women in French society??
The status and position of women of France have changed throughout the history. The change in status of women went under many changes in the late twentieth century but the French Feminism originally originated in the French Revolution.
● The traditional role of French women of preparing meals, rearing children, harvesting crops, etc., changed during the Industrial Revolution in France.
● Education of girls was given more importance to and was made compulsory but they were not to assume political responsibility.
● French women were allowed to go out and work without the permission of their husband and they also got the right to open individual bank accounts.
● Girls were free and had right to marry according to their will and tgeir Fathers couldn't force them to marry at a very small age.
● Divorce was made legal and both men and women could appky for seperation.
● Women were also given the Reproductive rights like contraception and legalisation of abortion.