Which leader believes in giving complete freedom to thier subordiantes so as to enable them thier oen targets and also determine the ways of schiebing them?
Some of the major styles of leadership are as follows: 1. Autocratic or Authoritative Style 2. Democratic Style 3. Free Rein or Laissez Fair style.
Leadership style is a typical behavior pattern adopted by the leader to influencing has followers or leading his people. An executive has to lead different types of subordinates and has to adopt different styles for leading them at the workplace according to situation.
The style of leadership is based on the kind of control the leader exercises on a group and their behaviour.
1. Autocratic or Authoritative Style:
It is also known as leader centered style. Under this style of leadership there is complete centralisation of authority in the leader i.e., authority is centered in the leader himself He has all the powers to take decisions. He designs the work-load of his employees and exercise tight control over them. The subordinates are bound to follow his order and directions.
(i) Autocratic leadership style permits quick decision-making.
(ii) It provides strong motivation and satisfaction to the leaders who dictate terms.
(iii) This style may yield better results when great speed is required.
(i) It leads to frustration, low moral and conflict among subordinates,
(ii) Subordinates tend to shirk responsibility and initiative.
2. Democratic Style:
Under this style, a leader decentralises and delegates high authority to his subordinates. He makes a final decision only after consultation with the subordinates. Two way communication channel is used. While delegating a lot of authorities to subordinates, he defines the limits within which people can function. Democratic leaders have a high concern for both people and work.
(i) Exchange of ideas among subordinates and leader improves job satisfaction and morale of the subordinates.
(ii) Human values get their due recognition which develops positive attitude and reduces resistance to change.
(iii) Labour absenteeism and labour turnover are reduced.
(iv) The quality of decision is improved.
(i) Democratic style of leadership is time consuming and may result in delays in decision-making.
(ii) It is less effective if participation from the subordinates is for name sake.
(iii) Consulting others while making decisions go against the capability of the leader to take decisions.
3. Free Rein or Laissez Fair style:
Under this style, a manager gives complete freedom to his subordinates. The entire decision-making authority is entrusted to them. There is least intervention by the leader and so the group operates entirely on its own. There is free flow of communication. In this style manager does not use power but maintains contact with them. Subordinates have to exercise self control. This style helps subordinates to develop independent personality.
(i) Positive effect on job satisfaction and moral of subordinates.
(ii) It gives chance to take initiative to the subordinates.
(iii) Maximum possible scope for development of subordinates.
(i) Under this style of leadership, there is no leadership at all.
(ii) Subordinates do not get the guidance and support of the leader.
(iii) Subordinates may move in different directions and may work at cross purpose which may create problem for the organisation.
Free rein style of leadership may be appropriate when the subordinates are well trained, highly knowledgeable, self-motivated and ready to assume responsibility.
Under the free-rein leadership style, the leader believes in giving complete freedom to his subordinates.
Under this style of leadership, the leader delegates his authority completely to his subordinates. The leader will gather the informations needed by his subordinates from internal and external sources. Such a leadership style will work effectively only when the subordinates are highly skilled and motivated.