Math, asked by vivekchaudhari5896, 2 months ago

Which letters in English alphabet are closed figures? which are open figures ?


Answered by princegill2943

Step-by-step explanation:

plz mark as brainliest thn i m going to answer all question .

Answered by srirajnambiar


Which letters in English alphabet are closed figures? which are open figures ?

Answer: closed figures alphabets:- b, d , o, p , q

open figures alphabets:- a, c, e , f, g , h , i , j, k , l , m, n, r, s, t u, v, w ,x , y, z

closed shaped- A closed form is any enclosed shape that can be traced back from its starting point without making any breaks and does not have any open ends.

Closed Geometric Shapes

1. A closed triangle has three sides and three vertices.

2. A circle is a closed figure with one face and no vertices or sides.

3. A closed quadrilateral has four sides and four vertices. Square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, etc. are all examples of quadrilaterals.

4. A closed pentagon has five sides and five vertices.

Open shape- An open shape is any shape in which the start point and the end point are distinct and unconnected.

Open shapes cannot be traced without interruption since they are not continuous.

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