Which method is best for improvement in food resorces. Crop rotation or intercrooping
I guess crop rotation, because each and every plant get's it's own deserving nutrients and the production thus increases.
Both Crop rotation and inter cropping are cropping patterns which is used to ensure high yield of crops.
According to me,
Crop rotation
It prevents soil depletion,increases soil fertility,reduces soil erosion and the need for fertilizers.It also helps in controlling weeds and controls the growth of pathogens and pests in crops.
Inter cropping:
1. Inter cropping gives higher income per unit area than sole cropping. 2. It acts as an insurance against failure of crop in abnormal year. 3. Inter crops maintain soil fertility as the nutrient uptake is made from both layers. 4. Reduce soil runoff.
As inter cropping has more advantages,
Inter cropping is a better method.