which monitor will you prefer in your school, CRT or FPD why? reason ?
The answer of the following question is F P D or Flat Panel Display.
F P D monitor will prefer in our school.
F P D used as compare to CRT because , F P D s have the following advantages:
F P D s on average are brighter than CRTs. A CRT may have brightness of about 100 c a n d e la s/square meter, while a high-quality 15-inch FPD might be rated at 300 nits. This brightness disparity decreases a bit in larger sizes.
2. Contrast
Contrast usually measures the difference in l u m i n a n c e between brightest and dimmest portions of an image, and expressed in ratio. The ability to display a high-contrast image is an important aspect of image quality, particularly for text. An average CRT monitor ratio of 200:1 and An inexpensive F P D contrast ratio of 200:1.
3. Usability in bright environments
Even good flat-screen CRTs are subject to objectionable reflections when used in bright environments while F D P are not.
NOTE : Today in Schools LED or LCD is used widely due space and effectiveness.