Chemistry, asked by Biology76, 24 days ago

Which of one of alpha particle and beta particle has similar properties to the electron?


Answered by s02371joshuaprince47



The kinetic energy and linear momentum are related by the equation,

Kinetic energy E = (p²/2m), ==> p = [2m E]^½.

The deBoglie wave length= Planck's Constant ÷ linear momentum of the particle= h/p = h/(2 m E)½.

Since all the particles are having the same kinetic energy, the largest deBroglie wavelength is for a particle with the smallest mass.

However, there is a catch in this simple solution. For achieving the same kinetic energy as a peoton, the electron need to travel very fast, and relativistic effects will come into play. So mass of the electron cannot be taken as rest mass.

So we need to know what is the energy at which proton or alpha particles are. And to achieve that energy how fast the electron need to move.

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