Computer Science, asked by shahana26, 9 months ago

Which of the following algorithms has the best time complexity?
Hamiltonian Path problem
Travelling Salesman problem
Set cover
Radix sort


Answered by saireddy9


Set cover


Answered by poonammishra148218


In Data structures, SET COVERS algorithms provides an optimal time solvable solution.


Step 1:Set covers the algorithm that offers a solvable answer in the shortest amount of time.

The set covering issue seeks to determine the smallest number of sets that include (cover) all of the items given a set of elements.

The aim is to discover a set covering that employs the fewest sets. It is a problem "whose research has led to the creation of essential approaches for the whole area" of approximation algorithms. Set covering is NP-complete in the decision version and NP-hard in the optimization/search version.

Step 2:Long-standing and well-known NP-hard problems include the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem (HCP) and the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Finding pathways through a given graph that visit each node precisely once after the start and terminate where they started is the goal of the HCP (i.e., Hamiltonian cycles).

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