Biology, asked by mani3099, 3 months ago

Which of the following are likely to increase in quantities when the body is under attack from bacteria


Answered by ayushchauhan2113


the number White blood cells increases while body is under attack of any pathogen.

Answered by amitdas29lm


WBCs are likely to increase in quantities when the body is under attack from bacteria.


White Blood Corpuscles are the component of blood which is colorless due to the lack of haemoglobin, they acts as a defender, scavenger, some help in healing and comprises the immune system of the body.

They are of two types:

1. Agranulocytes: without visible granules in the cytoplasm. They are of two types

a) Lymphocytes: They are the second most numerous type of WBCs. They are small cells with round nuclei and little cytoplasm. Exist in two major forms, namely B and T-lymphocyte and are responsible for immune responses of the body.

b) Monocyte: They are largest WBCs and somewhat amoeboid shape. From blood they enter the tissue where they become macrophages. Macrophages are phagocytic in nature and engulf bacteria and other cellular debris.

2. Granulocytes: They contains granules in their cytoplasm.  They are three types

a) Eosinophils: They have nucleus with two lobes. They have coarse granules which contain hydrolytic enzymes and peroxidases. The eosinophils have antihistaminic properties. They resists infections and are also associated with allergic reactions.

b) Basophils: They are least abundant of total WBCs. In these cells the nucleus is generally three-lobed. The cells secrete serotonin, heparin,and histamine.

c) Neutrophils : They are most abundant cells of total WBCs. They are phagocytic in nature.

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