Computer Science, asked by asdev5903, 3 months ago

which of the following computer is part of the electronic machines used in daily life?


Answered by jewelvjaimohanvt


The advancements in the field of electronics have revolutionised the way we live. Some of the daily used electronics gadgets like Mobile phones,laptop,a TV remote,etc ,our personal vehicles(cars,bikes etc) and the electrical wiring system in our homes are the applications of electronics. Some knowledge of the basic electronics can help in understanding how things around us work.

1: Have you ever wondered how count of real present time keeps on running in our phones,laptops even after they are switched off. Surely there will be some circuitry for counting time but how it keeps on working after we shut the power.Here is the concept of Battery Backup in which basic function of a diode comes handy i.e. it acting as a switch(ON when forward biased otherwise off). The circuit is

We can see that when power is kept on, the diode D2 remains conducting while D1 not thus our time clock keeps running on the supplied power through the diode D2. But when power is switched off,D2 becomes reverse biased while D1 starts conducting thus giving path to the lithium battery used for powering the clock even supply is cutoff.

Thanks to this otherwise you have to set time everytime you open your device.

2:Have you ever drive a car? You probably have sit on the driving seat of your car so you must have seen the display in front of you right above the steering. Have you ever seen the open door warning sign

If this not , there is a buzzer system in case any of the doors remain open when you have sit on the driving seat. Do you know how it works? Here is a simple switch circuit

The seat and the doors have switches which are normally open(in a closed empty car).When you sit on the seat, the seat switch gets closed. Now the buzzer will only sound if any of the door switch is closed. Now as the switch is open only when a door is closed so an open door means that switch is closed so buzzer will get on indicating a door is open.This can be made more advanced by adding opamps and other electronics.

3.Now we will talk about the most commonly used electronics device i.e. a phone Have you ever thought how mobile phones vibrate? This is a picture of the internal circuit in the backside of a phone

See that round-shaped thing at the right corner? This is a vibration motor which is responsible for the vibration of the phone. This is not the ordinary motors we have seen ;like in toys as they donot rotate, they vibrate.

4: Mobile Phone chargers are another daily life used electronics device & here is how they work. This is a mobile phone charger circuit

The direct AC supply is fed to a step down transformer which step down it to a reduced, safe value. Then the next is a Bridge rectifier used for AC-DC conversion. This DC signal is then passed through a circuitry of transistors and voltage regulators for maintaining a constant voltage. the last is capacitor filter circuit for filtering any ac component.

Do you have a wristwatch that you have to wind up? No? Then it is electronic.

Paid for something with a credit card? It was read by electronics, and the transaction sent to your bank by electronics, and was processed there by electronics.

Listened to the radio or watched TV? Electronics.

Used a computer, smartphone, tablet? Electronics.

Driven a car, or ridden in a car? Electronics (engine controller, instruments)

Run a dishwasher or clothes washing machine? Electronics

Used a microwave with built-in timer? Electronics.

Got a smoke alarm in your house? Electronics.

Got a burglar alarm in your house? Electronics.

Control the temperature in your house with a thermostat? Electronics.

...and there's lots more, but I need to go do something else...

How are electronics used in daily life? Look at what you’re reading this on. Almost everyone in a first-world country has some sort of device that connects to the internet, which is mind-blowing.

Some other commonly used devices are televisions, car radios, alarm clocks, and computer setups (whether it be from a person who built it from scratch, or the slow ones at your nearest high school).

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