Which of the following conditions applies to a projectile at its highest point?
a. Vertical velocity is zero
b. horizontal velocity is zero
c. vertical velocity is equal to horizontal velocity
d. vertical velocity is greater than horizontal velocity
option c
it's is correct answer
The vertical velocity of the projectile is zero at the highest point of the projectile.
It is due to this condition the projectile has the highest point in its trajectory.
The projectile ascends vertically with some initial vertical velocity, say .
The force of gravity is downward so the projectile deaccelerate with rate g, the acceleration due to the gravity.
The projectile keeps ascending as long as its vertical velocity has some positive value.
The time it reduces to zero, the projectile momentarily stops ascending. As the projectile starts gaining vertical velocity from zero in the downward direction, it starts descending afterwards.
The projectile no more ascends after its vertical velocity becomes zero. So, the projectile achieved its maximum height when its vertical velocity becomes zero.
Option A is, thus, correct. And options C and D are not true.
There is no force in the horizontal direction (assuming no air). So, the projectile will move with constant velocity in the horizontal direction. Horizontal velocity does not become zero.
Option B is incorrect.