Chemistry, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

Which of the following de colorize acidified kmno4 ??? a) so2 b)Co2 c) n2o5 d)o2


Answered by REAAN


Which gas decolourises acidified KMnO4?

SO2– decolurises Acidified KMnO4.

2KMnO4+3H2SO4====> K2SO4 + 2MnSO4+ 3H2O +5(O)

The pink colour of KMnO4 is (reduced) decolourised by SO2- gas as follows.

SO2-+ H2O +(O) =======> H2SO4


Even hydrogen sulphide (H2S) reduces and decolourises Acidified KMnO4 as follows.

H2S +(O)=====> H2O + S↓ .

Here sulphur gets precipitated as a yellow precipitate, or the solution turns TURBID. =========================

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