Which of the following definitions describe functions from the domain to the codomain given? Which functions are one-to-one? Which functions are onto? Describe the inverse function for any bijective function. a. f: Z S N where f is defined by f (x) = x2 + 1 b. g: N S Q where g is defined by g(x) = 1∙x c. h: Z × N S Q where h is defined by h(z, n) = z∙(n + 1) d. f: 51, 2, 36 S 5 p, q, r6 where f = 5(1, q), (2, r), (3, p)6 e. g: N S N where g is given by g(x) = 2x f. h: R2 S R2 where h is defined by h(x, y) = (y + 1, x + 1)
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byu-rffn-ihu cóme here I will explain
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