Science, asked by himanshuverma94, 10 months ago

Which of the following do not cause soil pollution ?
A. Jute bag
B. Acid rain
C. Cardboard


Answered by atharva420



The following are the main mechanisms that generate soil pollution:

A. Antropogenic – through human activity including:

1. Accidental spills and leaks during storage, transport or use of chemicals (e.g., leaks and spills of gasoline and diesel at gas stations);

2. Foundry activities and manufacturing processes that involve furnaces or other processes resulting in possible dispersion of contaminants in environment;

3. Mining activities involving crushing and processing of raw materials (such as mining activity);

4. Construction activities

5. Agricultural activities involving the spread of

herbicides/pesticides/insecticides and fertilizers;

6. Transportation activities (e.g., vehicle emissions)

7. Dumping of chemicals (accidental or intended – such as illegal dumping);

Storage of wastes in landfills (which may leak to groundwater or generate polluted vapours)

8. Cracked paint chips falling from building walls, especially lead-based paint;

B. Natural causes:

1. Natural accumulation of compounds in soil due to imbalances between atmospheric deposition and leaching away with precipitation water (e.g., concentration and accumulation of perchlorate in soils in arid environments).

2. Natural production in soil under certain environmental conditions (e.g., natural formation of perchlorate in soil in the presence of a chlorine source, metallic object and using the energy generated by a thunderstorm).

3. Leaks from sewer lines into subsurface (e.g., adding chlorine which could generate trihalometanes such as chloroform).....

please mark as brainliest.....

Answered by zumba12

(A) Jute bags do not cause soil pollution


  • Jute's most significant characteristic is that it is biodegradable and therefore does not damage the environment. It produces no trash and helps to keep the environment clean.
  • As per research and studies, 1 hectare of jute plant may absorb upwards to 15 tons of CO2 and release Eleven tons of oxygen throughout a 100-day season. This is beneficial to the already contaminated environment.
  • Jute products aid in the reduction of environmental pollution since their use reduces the need for plastic bags, which seem to be non-biodegradable and harm the environment. Jute bags are much more helpful than plastic bags since they may be reused several times.
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