Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth's crust Silicon Aluminium Sodium Oxygen
oxygen, silicon and aluminum are the three most common elements present in the earth's crust
Sodium is not present abundantly in the earth's crust
The Earth's crust is a thin outer layer that makes up less than 1% of the planet's total volume. It is the top half of the lithosphere, which is made up of the crust and the upper part of the mantle and is a division of the layers of the Earth.
95% of the rocks that make up the Earth's crust are igneous and metamorphic, while 4% are shale, 0.75% are sandstone, and 0.25% are limestone. 88.1% of the mass of the Earth's crust is made up of the elements oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and iron, and the remaining 11.9 percent is made up of another 90 elements.
47% of the Earth's crust is oxygen, 28% is silicon, and 8.1% is aluminum. Only 2.8% of the Earth's crust is sodium