Chemistry, asked by doctormaha01abcd, 1 year ago

Which of the following equimolar solution have highest vapour pressure? (1) glucose (2)NaCl (3)K2SO4 (4)K4Fe(CN)6


Answered by JinKazama1
Final Answer : Glucose

Steps :
1) Vapour Pressure depends on degrees of dissociation of compounds in their aqueous solution.
Vapour Pressure of equimilar solutions is inversely proportional to no. of particles in solution/ions .
=> VP α 1/no.of particles/ions

We know that the
dissociation of
NaCl --------> Na+ - Cl -
No. of ions = 2

Glucose is covalent compound, so it will not dissociate into its ions.
It will exist as single molecule as Glucose.

Potassium Sulphate :
K2SO4 ------> 2K+ + SO4(2-)
No. of ions = 2+1 =3

K4Fe(CN)6 ----> 4K+ + [ Fe(CN)6](2-)

No. of ions = 4 +1 = 5
So, we got that minimum no. of particles is present in Glucose.

And, We obtained that Glucose in equimolar mixture, has higher vapour pressure.

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