Which of the following fractions is not equivalent to 35
a) 3050 b) 915 c) 1215 d) 2440
Step-by-step explanation:
c is the answer
because it is
c is the answer
because it is not a equivelent to 35
Equivalent means An ‘equivalent’ can’t exist by itself in the same way that a ‘parallel line’ can’t exist by itself. Something has to be equivalent to something else, in which case we say that between the two objects there exists an equivalence relation.
Equivalence (from Latin aequus "equal" + valere "having worth") or equivalence relation (often symbolized by ~) is a binary relation that has all three of the following properties:
Reflexivity (a ~ a)
Symmetry (a ~ b IMPLIES b ~ a)
Transitivity (a ~ b AND b ~ c IMPLIES a ~ c)
Reflexivity: It is the property by which an entity has the relation R with itself.
a R a
Examples of reflexivity:
Equality: a = a
Similarity: a similar a
Congruence: a ≡ a
Having something same as someone: You do have the same parents, the same profession, the same friends and so on, as yourself.
Love: It is supposedly reflexive, but this is not always true; not everyone loves him/herself.
Examples of non - reflexivity:
Ordered Inequality: a is not ( < or > ) a
Being parent or sibling: You are not yourself’ s parent or sibling.
Total inequality: It is not possible that a ≠ a. Nothing can be different from itself.
Symmetry: It is the property by which the binary relation holds both ways:
If ‘a R b’ then also ‘b R a’.
Examples of symmetry:
Equality: If a = b then b = a.
Total inequality: If a ≠ b then b ≠ a.
Similarity: If a similar b then b similar a.
Congruence: If a ≡ b then b ≡ a.
Being siblings: If A is brother/sister to B then B is brother/sister to A.
Being married to: If A is married to B then B is married to A
Being coworkers/classmates/friends: If A is coworker/classmate/friend to B then B is coworker/classmate/friend to A.
Examples of non - symmetry:
Ordered inequality: If a<b (or a>b) then Not True [ b<a (or b>a) ].
Being parent: If A is parent of B, then B isn't parent of A.
Being boss: If you are someone's boss, he isn't your boss.
Love: ‘A loves B’ does not imply that also ‘B loves A’. (Potential non symmetry because mutual love also exists).
Transitivity: It is the property by which the relation ‘transits’ through a middle entity:
If ‘a R b’ AND ‘b R c’ THEN ‘a R c’
Examples of transitivity:
Equality: If a = b and b = c then a = c.
Geometric Similarity (Let’s call it G.S.)(In the sense of having exactly the same shape): If A, B, C, are geometric figures then: ‘A G.S. B’ and ‘B G.S. C’ implies ‘A G.S. C’.
Congruence: If a ≡ b and b ≡ c then a ≡ c.
Ordered inequality: If a<b (or a>b) and b<c (or b>c) then a<c (or a>c).
Being parent: If A is parent of B and B is parent of C, then A is parent of C. (True only if grandparents are considered parents).
Examples of non - transitivity:
Look alike: If ‘A looks alike B’ and ‘B looks alike C’ does not imply that ‘A looks alike C’.
Total inequality: a ≠ b and b ≠ c does not imply a ≠ c.(But doesn’t exclude it)
Being friends: If A is a friend of B and B is a friend of C, it doesn’t follow that A is a friend of C. (But doesn’t exclude it)
Of the examples above, the binary relations that are ‘equivalences’ by having all three properties of reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity are: Equality, Geometric Similarity and Congruence.
If the original question ‘What is an equivalent?’ was just about the meaning of ‘equivalent’ in everyday language, then it means ‘of equal value’ and sorry for the long answer . . .
Step-by-step explanation: